Today is the day
Being the day birth of
Mahatma Gandhi
A soul of Non violence
A pleasant breeze carries
Peace in mind
Sky starts with very mild
Flower like spray full
Rain reaches down
With grace and lovely smell
Spread all over the atmosphere
To regain his power
One hundred and forty two
Years ago he was given
Birth on this earth
Carried on many of his ways
Sathyam – Truth will succeed
Ahimsai - Nonviolence will succeed
And give birth
To Truth always
Simple man in very simple
Dress, had a stem to hold for walk
Even a small boy will go in front
As he walked behind
Indians all got Freedom
On his walk
No blood shed, No war
No one will forget his advices
All the days all the ways
One can see his nice head
No hair teeth less mount
Wearing ooh glass for eyes
A small towel on his shoulders
Appearance in Rupee currency note
Symbol of truth we have placed
To remember ever
One shall walk down the ways
He had shown
Disliked wine and liquor
Prohibited totally in his birth place
Hey ram, Rama ram
Raghupathy Raja ram
Seethe Ram
Hey Ram ….
Garland his statues-pictures
Fresh bloomed flowers
To heal his wounds as he was shot
Down to death by his known
-AYYAN DJ- 02102010
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