The life is so much, but very simple to go away
The life is so much, but very simple to go awayEducation gives us knowledge
Improves one’s character
A pot full of milk
A drop of poison
Spoils whole
A person may get his name
Spoiled by his one evil act
Money makes many
It may be good or bad
Rose blooms for making garland
May be used for placing on body dead
A drop honey will sweeten
Tongue, many thanks to honey bees
Sun is dark as we cannot see at night
Moon becomes bright on full moon day
Thou are beautiful even though black
Thou may forget god often
Because he has made us like this
Good or bad, fortunate or no
I have to live for my family
One day everyone will go into the earth
Or into the fire when passes away
The life is so much, but very simple
To go away
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