Crazy in love


  • Love

    Crazy in love

    It is so crazy to wonder hopelessly through this life untouched by all of the relationships constantly in control of what I want capable of saying good bye when ever I wanted to. Searching for intimacy and finding sexual partners and friends, women reaching out to me and sharing all that they have trying to encourage me to commit. How do you say no to someone who offers you the desires of your heart even when you know that you don't love them. Then I met you and everything changed and I never knew it. I only wanted you, I hated work and anything that separated me from you. Forced to except that rather large forehead of yours and those unsightly knock knees. Oh I was so offended by the way you never answered a question. All of the sudden you were flawless and after 16 years of marriage and a two year divorce I am still so crazy in love

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    BrittKun commented on Crazy in love


    If your love is true and kind. Then you will be happy! Do you both love the lord or are you not on the same page? Even then you can work it out if it is Gods will.



    Great POem keep it up

    Iridesse commented on Crazy in love


    Wow! I love this poem! It kind of reminds me of what I would someday like to say and experience! Love itself!

    maryjanet commented on Crazy in love


    WOW WOW WOW This is something that I have tried to put into words and was never able too. My husband and I have only been married for 3 yrs. but, I'm 38, he's 48 and it's the first marriage for both. We are so CRAZY in love. He is deployed right now and sometimes when things get ruff you, or at least I do, think you might want something else....then you realize it's not possible to have anything else because the ove you want is right in front of you! Thank you for your honest words, we all need that at one point in time or another.

    Robby commented on Crazy in love


    I understand what you mean, I feel it. I could have never put it on paper , but you did. Thank you.

    charismajewel commented on Crazy in love


    This was cool. I mean that may sound like a weak way to rate a poem, but I sure didn't expect the ending, through the way you began the poem. I loved the total difference between beginning and end. And how you accepted your woman's flaws, then she became flawless. It hurts so bad when someone you love brings it to an end, or somehow it comes to an end. You really brought out the feeling of that in this poem. I loved it!



    I enjoyed you enjoying my poems it is like we shared them and that was fantastic

    Poetry is either something that lives like fire inside you or else it is nothing, an empty formalized bore around which pedants can endlessly drone their notes and explanations.

    Unknown Source

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