Well, Have You?!?


  • viejay04
  • I would like to thank everyone for reading my poems and for giving me positive feedbacks! You guys keep me more inspired! I thank you all with all my heart! =)

Poem Commentary

July 10, 2008...i woke up with these thoughts and decided to write them all down! hope you'll get something out of this! =)

Well, Have You?!?

Have you ever thought why you’re still alive today?
Did it ever occur to you that the only reason
You still woke up today is maybe 
God loves you and is giving you
Another chance in life?
Another opportunity for you
To change your ways or
He is waiting for you to remember Him perhaps?

Have you ever thought the cost of living nowadays
(food, clothing, school, gas, etc)?
Didn’t you sometimes feel like crying
Because no matter how much time;
How much effort you put into your work,
Your salary isn’t enough?
Didn’t you feel depress when
You couldn’t buy those beautiful clothes
You were longing for even though it’s on sale
Because you have to pay your bills?

Are you exhausted because you took the train this morning
And were rushing just to reach your working place on time?
Did you anxiously wait for the train or bus to arrive
And walked a thousand steps just for you to get home?
Didn’t you find it funny you did these traveling
Just to save some money because the cost of gas today
Is almost equal to the price of that Nike shoes on sale?

Well, have you ever realized that nothing is free anymore?
Didn’t you know that some people dare to spend a lot of money
Just to make their loved ones happy
(a car, jewelry, etc)???
You see, even happiness costs so much!
Then ponder on this,
What if God lets you pay every single thing that you use everyday?
Have you ever realized that you’re already bankrupt?
Just the air alone that you breathe every second
Would surely make you death poor!

Weren’t you sick or feeling depressed a couple of days ago?
Didn’t you know that God heard you when you said
“Oh God, I feel terrible” and came to your rescue?
Aren’t you glad that you feel happy and energetic now?

When you woke up this morning,
Have you felt something that you couldn’t explain?
Isn’t it odd that you couldn’t even use simplest words
To define it and the only thing you know is that
You feel so loved and so blessed today?

When you woke up from deep slumber this morning,
Have you uttered a special prayer?
Isn’t your heart rejoicing for any special reason at all?
While working today couldn’t you help but keep on singing hymns of praises And did really feel every word of it?
Aren’t you wondering how you did your chores today
Because you were solely focused on singing?

Have you ponder upon these things that I did mention above?
Do you think that all these things just came out from my mouth
And not from my heart?
Don’t you feel guilty or happy perhaps?

Have you thought about praying now?
I mean, right now?
Don’t you think that God is waiting for you
To talk to Him right at this moment?

Have you ever thought that no matter
how disappointed He is, He still loves you?
That’s the reason you’re still alive today, my love!
Have you thanked Him enough
For these simple yet wonderful blessings He’s giving you?

Have you ever thought about shutting my mouth now
Simply because you clearly get my point?

Well, have you???

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When power leads man towards arrogance, poetry reminds him of his limitations. When power narrows the area of man's concern, poetry reminds him of the richness and diversity of existence. When power corrupts, poetry cleanses.

John F. Kennedy (1917-1963) Thirty-fifth President of the USA

viejay04’s Poems (60)

Title Comments
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My Heart, Just Like my Mouth, Dares to Speak for Itself 0
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Long Distance Friendship 1
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My Heart, Just Like My Mouth, Dares To Speak For Itself 1
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Please Give This Poem Just a Minute or Two 2
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se Pass On!
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Distance Means So Little When Someone Means So Much 2
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My Mind and Heart are Playing Tricks on Me 2
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What They Do Not Know 1
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A Prayer from the Heart 0
hOme aT lAst! 0
aGain 0
i loVe yOu, mAma! 2
tRapPed 2
oNe siMpLe pRayEr 0
tWo hEartS 1
tHinGs hApPen fOr a rEasOn 1
aNd aS i sLeEp tOniGht... 3