Kingdom of The Eternal Divine


Poem Commentary

This is the longest poem I have have posted. Its roughly 11- 12 pages long

Kingdom of The Eternal Divine

Kingdom of the eternal divine, inside is this heart of mine
you made something out of nothing, I was merely dust
but a grain of sand in your eyes. I was ready to rise, to stand
amist the shadows , losing myself to time. The years I let them slip away, I watched them fade away. My body is aging with time, still i walk in glory divine.
O, Son Of God, I have been chosen , picked to become one in your flock
I would climb the highest mountain, grasp the largest rock
to scale the walls that hide this beautiful veil that blinds my eyes
to embrace your face. Who then can stand and look into the eyes of almighty God.
I am one, one with a faithful heart, never left to part from faith
when the world's final hour draws, I will be waiting at your gate
I know that  you will never abandon me, never will you leave me to hurt
I have found your fountain, from it I have drank of righteous beauty
and now I thirst no more. I have found something of great worth
that not even this heart can deny. For sixteen years I have lived for you,
for fifty more I would die to hold the hands of my king, to feel the breath of my father's voice , to hear the heart that beats in His chest.
I will live. I will live within this worlds walls  and here you will see me fall.
Again I will stand as the almighty stands, hands lift me and cradle this heart next to yours. Theirs so much in this world you deserve . I deserve the chance to exalt you, to honor you with this heart, mind and soul.
You are the one who makes these words flow. you are the one who sees the mountains bow. You are the onewho calls the seas to roar. You are the one whom I seek forevermore.
    This holy realm has claimed my heart. As I dream of glory I see thee.
I see the heart of the divine, an image of majestic grandeur, the quintessence of life.
These eyes see a reflection of who you are . The victor upon heaven's stars. The beauty robed in righteousness , the light that absorbs all darkness.  You, Lord, you have brought upon that determinationto seek what's within. You, Father, faced the betrayal of a kiss, saw the world of sin for what it truly is. The best intentions you have for me. 
I've been cradled inside your heaven's wings of safety. Inside hopeful dreams of glory. I even painted the words you spoke, the simple stroke of the pen brushes the page as I choke. I feel so small within your arms . I feel so weak without your love. It is said that I can do all things through you, who strengthens me. I know this is true. I see the true colors shine.
I see true beauty divine. I see your hands come together with mine.
Forever is such a long, long time but does it truly exist.
Does forever really mean forever? I don't have to look farto know that forver is alive. The name etched upon the walls of my hearthas helped me survive. Through good, through bad I've looked to heaven above and it is here that I've found what forever was. I've discovered that forver is love.
I uncovered the deepest core of all existence. I've found the beauty and it's lasting repentance. I've walked through death's door to find life. It was in here that I knew . I knew that their was something bigger than me, bigger than this very world could see. I could see this life for all that it meant. It was here that I woke, trapped insdie this web. as the spider drew forth his eyes showed mercy and he wept. Then again who has seen a spider cry. Then again who has seen the mountains bow . Then again who has heard the oceans roar. Then tell me what my God died for.
Try telling me that a love as deep as his does not exist. I know the existence of love, it is alive within this heart of mine.
The kingdom of the eternal divine dwells inside. th heartbeat of glory beats along next to this one. Sometimes it feels as if my heart could leap from my chest. I then am left breathless, I feel weightless for the shame I once bore has been lifted. I found this gift deep within my mind. This gift to express my emotions. As the pen hits this page another word comes to life. It's like a bottomless ocean, that's God's love. It cannot be measured, it's fathoms further than any mind can conceive but this heart will never deny what it believes.
O, King of all divine, you have seen and you have heard and you have felt every tear fall, eye eye close, every dream come to life.
O, King of heaven divine, I see the oceans that lie between us, the sk,ies that seperate us. I feel your eyes break through my heart walls. I hear your voice cry in the wind. The deepest love will always mend.
Will you please accept these prayers. they are from the heart, Lord,
full of devotion and you know every one I say. Your word says that every tongue shall confess your name. Let not this heart play any games.
I want to be staright with you God. I know that you see verything that I do. I know that you are the one who blesses. Let me stay, stay within your kingdom fro all the days to come, forever may they be .
I hope on this we can agree. God you saw the inner me, the parts not exposed for eyes to view. The deepest core of my self being.
It's all been put out on the line, left for God to see.
I was ready to come clean and accept anything that you Lord had to offer me. I was ready for Him to show me the road of life. I was ready for Him to show me the open door. I was reday for Him to show how His son had lived His life. I wanted Him to show me forgiveness, compassion, grace, mercy and the undying love that was spilled upon our hearts when you died.
I'm here to tell all of you who read this, theirs more to live for.

Their is always an open door to heaven. God will be sure to leave the light on for ya. You must make the call , only you can take that step inside. trust me, it may be hard at first not knowing what to expect, but once you walk inside you will become so alive for the first time.
You will grow to the knowledge of God the Father, grow in love with Christ and hopefully pursue a relationship of strong will and commitment. a commitment to serve the Lord Jesus Christ with all your heart, with all your soul and all of your mind.
You know every secret part of my heart, you dwell within the chambers of my soul. Spark this desire to feel your flame, ignite this soul with passion
so I will lift your name. You gave me everything, I have no reason for shame. I feel blind in my pursuit to gain righteousness, I seek your eternal home with a fervent heart and persistent mind. Let me enter the kingdom of the eternal divine. You are the Living God of heaven and of earth, my heart's treasure of countless worth. My provider since my day of birth.
You are the light of the world shining upon this heart. You were here in the beginning before time existed and you will be here in the end when time is nomore. You were the hands that I held in my time of need. You called me your child, you nourished my heart and soul you did feed.
Never Lord let my mind be filled with greed.
I offered you this heart to serve a righteous and faithful life as a servant of the almighty eternal God. A warrior , I will stand strong in faith and not be broken by evil. I intend to share the blessings of eternal love with this world that they can understand the value and deep meaning behind your words.
I hope to show them , or have you reveal yourself to to them through these words that I write. So that they may know how to endure the spiritual fight
and live in the beauty of grace and delight. These words Lord they have coem from you. They are the inspiration, the desire that comprises who I am. I am a christian and am not ashamed to share my thoughts, to share my life to share the love of God with everyone.
Your faith is importantfor your destiny. where you will rest after your time here on earth. You must make the choice, the time is now to accept Him into your life. Do not wait for tomorrow may be too late. God is holding the door open, you must ask Him to come in. Come inside His kingdom. The kingdom of the eternal divine.
Entering the realm of the Living God, alive and breathing in me
A world exonerated of their sins, we have been set free
searching for the right answers, searching for absolute truth
a generation of followers in the prime of their youth
We have been called , We have been chosen to lead
one came before us, He was the savior who bled and freed
freed this hopeless nation, secured our eternal destiny
now we can rest with the eternal divine in righteous glory
Inside the kingdom of the divine, I unlock the meaning to my rhyme
for you are master who connects the lines
reveal to me Lord your ever coming signs
Righteousness we shall all embrace, faithfulness and undying grace
piety and unrelentless desire, I ask that set this heart on fire
I'm here to capture the beauty of every dream I've had
I'm yearning to fulfill a passion for my eternal dad
I'm living for the moment now, today and tomorrow
the words painted are clear, My Lord is here and I will follow
You will find me praying, you will hear the words I am saying
I will make aware that this faith I will share
I will share it with this world even if they don't care
I'm not here to shove religion down then throat of man
I'm here to write about the love that all can
receive and allow into their open hearts to feel blessed
it doesn't matterto Him, just come and confess
The Lord Jesus has been waiting along time for you
the words that He speaks will becoem alive in you
I know that God is the truth, this heart holds the proof
Lord I long to dwell in your heavenly house
even if the fiath I hold is as samll as my mouth
I know that even I seem as small as a mouse
in comparison to you the almighty, my mind will never doubt
I'm drawing closer everyday to your kingdom
I'm breathing in the beauty of all your creation

I know your presence is felt here, its real as a touch
I know your temder and caring, you love this whole world so much
The manor where you reside, it holds this heart of mine inside
The manor of grand beauty and decor, on your walls are the names of those you adore. Your chosen flock listed by name, these are the ones who walk without shame. We are dead in thsi world but alive in your own
heaven is what I seek after death , I call it my new home
Jesus , my father you have been my guide, I'm never alone
so when my time on earth is done, I'll come into your home
Here I will rest with the stars and I will wake and walk on streets of gold
Father in whom I trust with my dear life, take these hands and hold
hold them them over your beating heart, I want to hear your vital signs
A heart that will never die, it lives forver within the kingdom of the divine
I know that this kingdom is beautiful, I know that I'll see it in time
until then I'll praise and thank you for everything
You are the king of my life, the king of glory, the king of all kings
I'll fly upon the stars one day riding upon your wings
the angels will have them a grand celebration , much like a royal ball
and I'll look at all your photos hanging and the names upon your wall
I'll walk down your hallways, down the corridors of life
staring at the images of your son, the magnificient we call Christ
I'll gaze at the one where He hung on the hill, calvary's cross
and I'll gaze at the memories of childhood dreams that I've lost
I know a picture holds a thousand words, but only one I'll utter under breath, for I'll be overwhelmed by the beauty, that I'll simply have none left
I'll stare out the skylights, the windows in the sky on ceilings high
I'll dream about those angels flying, I'll see them with my eyes
with their golden harps their playing a song that rings in every ear
and when I hear the sound of praise I"ll know that I am here 
here amongst your castle, your mansion in the ruling skies
from earth it seems so small, but in heaven it's of grand size
the doors I will knock upon  and I will watch as they open wide
and I'll stare back for one simple glance before I step inside

I know the existence of the divine is real, his heart beats with mine
inside I feel everything from love to grace and forgiveness
you offered it all in an act of repentance
I will step inside when those doors open wide
and I will stand before my God, and the King Christ divine
the light of heaven will be the evidence , you will see it shine
I'm going to come home to your kingdom, whence comes the time
I will revel in all your righteous glory, I will look back upon the story
the story i've read so many times about a man that gave his life for mine
Who else would lay down his own for you. You must believe that this was true. he came and died and now He lives, blessings of His love he eternally gives. I'm crucified in the flesh, I was restored by my saviors death
and now I possess this very life that flows with the blood in my veins
My heart it carries the stains. Lord you have called me as one in your name
How then could I deny that you ever lived and ask myself to die
but I will survive because you came and laid it all on the line
The ultimate sacrifice it had to be, that cross on the hill that set me free
you opened the door to a world of sin, you took it all upon yourslef to save millions of men. In fact every heart and soul in this planet, all though their are those who don't understand it. Some of us don't want to accept , that  a man came and died and His life we possess
What will it take for every to beleiev that theirs a world out there dying to recieve the grace and love that only one man could give
accept it and eternally you will live. What are we waiting for, the flames of hell , I'd hate to say it but I wish you well. He made it simple - just believe and accept. it's time to take a leap of faith or a leap of death
Are you going to wait until your final breath but then again when will that be . We shall now know, eventually we will see.
Are you gonna keep gambling and rolling the dice? Are you gonna teach your children and protect your wife. This life choice is yours to choose
It's life eternal you win, or hell ridden you lose. What will it be, its time to act now. So who are you gonna serve to whom are you gonna bow
I can cut right through that smile, deep down to the pain
your not livin' for God, your livin' for a world in vain
I can pierce righ through your eye, they hold the lies
when will your time coem to embrace and step inside
The celestial palace of eternity awaits you after life
seated next to the throne will be youre Father Christ
so, why not bow down and give your heart to the maker
Are you ashamed, He's never ashamed of You
the lies are piling up, it's like burning paper
fuel for the arson's wrath, you sit back and wait for the flames and laugh
These flames will consume you don't you know
an intense afterlife of misery will embrace your soul
Don't you know that all your sins can be earsed
What have you been waiting for? The Lord has made it clear
in grace , mercy and love you can surely persevere
You need to stop kidding yourself, get your life straight
or the path will lead you straight to the gates of hate
the journey to the demon's pit will forever be thy fate
The path of the mislead is told to be wide
follow the narrow road into heaven's light
God will show you the signs, God will guide you the way
it's time to come to His house and dwell with Him today
As for me I'll continue to write for the divine
through Him I'll show the world how to shine
See the light of God and love of God dwells within
I handed Him my heart and He came in like a mighty wind
I knew my life was troubled and bound by wordly sin
but I thank God in heaven for saving me again
For many it may come as a bit of a surprise
but if you let Him in, then in His kingdom you can reside
so this I will say to you and hope it's a wake -up call
God came to heal you and he loves everyone of ya'll
So when I get to heaven I hope I see my name on His wall
remember God died for you, for you he took the fall

The world's eyes stare, they stare into this vast dimension of beauty
into this realm of the unknown that only the dead have seen in dreams
but before they passed they told me of this vision where they crashed
headfirst into another world of life. A realm of light upon the side
perhaps this was the kingdom of the eternal divine
The division of darkness was seperated by a brillance of light, a beautiful glow that pierced the eye, as if to blind. Chariots drove by cherubim road upon these streets of gold. The white horse with our Lord of Victory, heaven's majesty was floating with gravity above the city old.
The bridegroom had come riding upon the winds as He drew forth to the gates that led Him in, into the city of the divine. My mind tried  hard to unlock this mystery as I watched the clock unwind. 
I saw the stars of the sky perfectly aligned. Oh what a majestic sight to sit out and stare across the night and look to the heavens high above in flight. Now a whirlwind of passion had swept me off my feet, I was far from the end of the journey. My life road was not complete. The timeline was etched in stone, for years that had passed. I had watched my years burn away,  drift away like grains of sand, but still I stood in awe as I captured the silence. I knew that lfie held a plan, a plan that was sure to follow through. I had set my eyes on the kingdom for so long. Now it was time to see you.
It was time to finally embrace that breathtaking view.
The life that I knew among shadows was becoming more askew.
 All the images of memories and dreams started forming a collage in my mind
they drew the lines of an unlocked sign hidden deep within this life's timeline
My feet firmly planted to the ground as I spun around in a daze , left in a trance I fell to the ground. The day it felt so long but at the end I saw the crown. The righteous crown of God the father was radiating it's golden beams of light that were reflections from the paved streets of paradise
The light held a warmth and relaxing glow that pierced through the clouds far below. Still I was upon the earth waiting the world's last daycurse to strike with vengeance and great aggression .
I was hoping for a peaceful break from war to embrace His kind compassion
Then I would continue to wait for the day of His return. You word says that noone will know the day, the hour, week, month or year, only you know when He will be here. So until the final breath from my lungs is drawn and my days are said to be gone. I will look to the skies far above and know that all other predictions are wrong. we are in an era that wants to assume, they know they final hour, but only God the father of heaven holds the knowledge of power. All other assumptions are but false predictions that the world will devour. The m
ajestic kingdom of the divine will illuminate all understanding and life will live on in the new world forever standing.  

A new world beyond the one where I now live, a realm of glory, a realm of grace, the one who controls all the universe with His hands remains loyal to the christian faith. All the servants of God and every soul that He has created, he loves with an undying passion. All the beauty of creation erected by Hands of love, steady hands to embrace the hearts attraction
Your heart , my heart rests within the washed blood of beautiful crimson
it flows through these veins and reminds us of His redemption.
Is that what your willing to deny. You hide behind the world's selfish pride.
Innocence is stripped away, Why not follow the call of God and obey, obey the  voice of a supreme diety. The kingdom of God our majesty. He is real.
His spirit rests within the chambers of my heart and soul. I feel His presence when I wake, I feel his presence when I pray. I feel His love light the way.
It's an inseperable force that I come to describe, the message is clearly etched on my heart. The power of God will crush pride. The power of God will reveal the beauty they have been blind to see. isn't it time to walk with the king our majesty. No matter how many times you turn away. No matter how  many ways ytou try to betray. God will always continue to love .
He oversees our lives from above. No matter how many days it takes till that hardened heart breaks. God's love will hit harder than an earthquake's shake. Even in all those desperate times, I seek the eternal divine.
Come to Him for strength, coem to Him when you thirst. jesus Christ is salvation, he can fix any heart that hurts. So then if Jesus Christ is salvation and He can promise eternal life. What reason do you have to not believe in the sacrifice. It was done for you. it was done so you could live in truth. Please open your eyes and let Him into your heart . these dark clouds will be replaced with light and faith will open the door so you can embrace your new life. A new life with Jesus Christ. 

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gregster commented on Kingdom of The Eternal Divine


AND people here complain and say i have long poetry.this is a story man.a book.............well done though........whoooooooo

am2anangel commented on Kingdom of The Eternal Divine


whew took me nearly 20 min. but I got through it. Great write. Your message is clear. very well written as always. Only saw a few typos, but easy to decipher. well done as always. -Tonya

Poetry is not an expression of the party line. It's that time of night, lying in bed, thinking what you really think, making the private world public, that's what the poet does.

Allen Ginsberg (1926-1997) U.S. poet.

winterkou’s Poems (300)

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Broken Hearts are like Broken Dreams 3
My Lord, My God 2
A Heart that Rides the Oceans Tides 3
Seeing into the Eyes of Beauty 5
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One Drop of Blood 3
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Tenants of the Dark 3
The Silence of a Teardrop 4
When Doom and Darkness Embrace 3
Nature's Beautiful Wrath 2
Hell's Hot Breath Upon thy Lips 1
Was this Love , Or were you playing with my Heart 1
Curse of Eternal Darkness 3
In the Depths of Forgiveness 3
Sitting Beneath the Ashes 2
Torn by Tragedies 1
Bliss and Beauty 4
A New Season awakes 3
The Girl Who Wanted to Be An Angel 4
Driven into Damnation 4
Underneath the Bridge 3
Your Love is Beautiful 3
Truth v.s. Evolution v.s. The World 4
3 Nails Was His Fate 4
Well Of Romance 6
Ever Forgotten Beauty 2
The Secret of Love 6
Destroying the Daylight 4
Becoming My enemy 3
World for the Damned 3
Bridge of Death 2
A Scepter Of Dreams 5
Love Is 7
The Bloodlines Wev'e Severed 5
Hells Immortality 5
Eulogy 6
Hope 4
In a Wilderness of Dreams 4
Awakening to Silence 1
The Woods of Perpetual Darkness 4
Satans Revenge 4
A Moment Like This 3
Looking deep into the eyes of Love 1
A Tragedy Brings Hope 1